Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Would you buy this Wallpaper?

I saw this Woods Wallpaper used on "Dear Genevieve," a new show on HGTV and also saw it at More Ways to Waste Time. Genevieve used it in the back of a bookshelf and it actually looked quite nice. However, I'm not sure I'd be willing to pay the $198 plus shipping that Anthropologie is asking for. Plus, it seems pretty narrow for a wallpaper. Maybe if you used it only in a small area, but then is it worth the almost $200? What do you think? Would you buy it?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Modern Gift Wrap Ideas

These gift wrap sets are almost too cute to give away to someone else. They're great inspiration for a room - you could frame them all by themselves, cover the back of a bookshelf, or even wrap some plain storage boxes to add some color to a room.

Luxy by Heidi

Monday, February 16, 2009

Super Cute Baby Shower Idea

Check out this adorable baby shower by Hostess with the Mostess. My sister-in-law just found out she's having a girl so I've had pink on the brain for awhile.